Hyperspin / Launchbox/BigBox Licence Included / CoinOps / Retobat - All included
- 8TB - Arcade Full + Full Pinball + Full Consoles up to the PlayStation 2 - 8TBs Total
This is the Donation drive, which also includes the shipping back ( $180 US = $238 Canadian)
(All Setups are Modular, meaning you can upgrade by paying the difference between setups)
8TB Hyperspin, Bigbox, Coinops and Retrobat Donation Drive
When sending the drives, please use the United States Postal Service. Just send the drives, dont send any wires, or the original box that the drive came with. Please label the drives as External (Make of drive) 1TB, with a value of 60 dollars. This is for Customs, anything over 100 gets fees.
A full refund can be provided if access hasnt been provided, or the product hasnt been shipped. Upon receiving the drives, only the cost of the drives as well as the shipping can be refunded.